package fr.pagesjaunes.mdm.core; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import fr.pagesjaunes.mdm.util.Ln; import fr.pagesjaunes.mdm.util.Strings; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Locale; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Provider; /** * Class that builds a User-Agent that is set on all HTTP calls. * * The user agent will change depending on the version of Android that * the user is running, the device their running and the version of the * app that they're running. This will allow your remote API to perform * User-Agent inspection to provide different logic routes or analytics * based upon the User-Agent. * * Example of what is generated when running the Genymotion Nexus 4 Emulator: * * mdm_DT/1.0 (Android 4.2.2; Genymotion Vbox86p / Generic Galaxy Nexus - 4.2.2 - API 17 - 720x1280; )[preload=false;locale=en_US;clientidbase=] * * The value "preload" means that the app has been preloaded by the manufacturer. * Instances of when this might happen is if you partner with a telecom company * to ship your app with their new device. * * If clientidbase is available you "should" be getting the telecom that is operating * the device. This is not reliable, but is still useful. */ public class UserAgentProvider implements Provider<String> { private static final String APP_NAME = "mdm_DT"; @Inject protected ApplicationInfo appInfo; @Inject protected PackageInfo info; @Inject protected TelephonyManager telephonyManager; @Inject protected ClassLoader classLoader; protected String userAgent; @Override public String get() { if (userAgent == null) { synchronized (UserAgentProvider.class) { if (userAgent == null) { userAgent = String.format("%s/%s (Android %s; %s %s / %s %s; %s)", APP_NAME, info.versionName, Build.VERSION.RELEASE, Strings.capitalize(Build.MANUFACTURER), Strings.capitalize(Build.DEVICE), Strings.capitalize(Build.BRAND), Strings.capitalize(Build.MODEL), Strings.capitalize(telephonyManager == null ? "not-found" : telephonyManager.getSimOperatorName()) ); final ArrayList<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); params.add("preload=" + ((appInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 1)); // Determine if this app was a preloaded app params.add("locale=" + Locale.getDefault()); // try { final Class SystemProperties = classLoader.loadClass("android.os.SystemProperties"); final Method get = SystemProperties.getMethod("get", String.class); params.add("clientidbase=" + get.invoke(SystemProperties, "")); } catch (Exception ignored) { Ln.d(ignored); } if (params.size() > 0) userAgent += "[" + Strings.join(";", params) + "]"; } } } return userAgent; } }